A Heart to SERVE others.
Actively serve and contribute to the Church, the Community, and the Kingdom of God!
Invest & Engage in Mission! Multiply - Make Disciples that Make Disciples.
serve for god
Serve the Church
Serve in various ministries of the church, be an active, contributing member to the body. We believe there is a place for everyone to belong and to use their talents and abilities to serve others - whether it be behind the scenes, volunteering in the kitchen or leading a ministry from the front - and everywhere in between.
Do you know your spiritual giftings? Take this online Spiritual Giftings Assessment and get your personal, private results:
Serving opportunities at Evangel
Hospitality Team (Guest Services, Parking Attendants, Greeters, Ushers, Greeter, Welcome Table, Cafe’ and Kitchen crew) More info
Evangel Kids Ministry (Nursery, Sprouts, The Vine, Roots, VBS) More info
The Exchange Youth Community More info
Tech Crew (Sound, AV, Video, Lighting, Photography) More info
Seniors Home Ministry More info
Addictions Ministry Addictionmin1.jpg addictionmin2.jpg
life group and grow groups Take a deeper step in your walk of faith by becoming a small group leader. You don’t have to be perfect or know all of the answers. You just need to have a committed relationship with Jesus, a desire to serve, and willingness to lead others. If you are interested in becoming a Small Group Leader, please learn more
Nursery Cleaning Schedule Serve on a rotating schedule to clean our nursery facilities. Please Contact Jenny Freake - jennyfreake@hotmail.com
Special Events The Ride For Hope, Christmas Dinners, Work Nights (email epc@evangelgander.ca if you would like more info on how to volunteer with these efforts)
The first step for anyone interested in serving is to simply submit a volunteer application. You can do that by submitting an online application or by visiting the main office and picking up a volunteer packet. Once a volunteer application has been processed, next steps will be communicated and explored.
Serve the Community
Bring the Light. Simply love and serve the local community - with no strings attached.
​Furniture Ministry: Brochure.pdf
Community Support Team: community Support.pdf
*There are many ways to contribute and serve other community organizations in our town OUTSIDE of the church as well, and we ABSOLUTELY ENCOURAGE you to do just that! Bring the light!
(I.e. Serve/volunteer at Food Bank/ Schools/Non-profits, etc.)
Serve God’s Kingdom
Live on Mission. Invest and Multiply.
Actively make disciples that make disciples.
Life Shared training - Running once a year - A 3 session “Share Your Faith” training series - Stay tuned for dates and details.
Give generously - to others and to God’s work
Missions - We value and support Missions work - both locally and globally. On the local level, we support the Home Missions efforts of Gros Morne Community Church. (Located in Rocky Harbor). Globally we commit our support to the efforts of The Penney’s who minister in Senegal, as well as to the efforts of missionaries in 2 Restricted Access Nations (RAN) projects.
Our overall missions goal for this year is $30,000.
opportunities to give
The Ride For Hope
The Ride For Hope is an annual motorcycle ride it has raised over $300,000 to go towards missions projects since 2010! Projects have spanned across South East Asia and Africa and have included - Houses/Orphanages/Clinic/Schools/Community Centres/Sponsorship sites/ Safe housing for at risk girls.
The Community Support Team
Providing furniture and meals (from time to time) to those in need in our community, as well as other events/projects throughout the year that support needs in our local community.
Tithes and Offerings
If you are just visiting or you are new around here, there are certainly no expectations for you to give financially. We are glad to have you here!
The Bible teaches that a part of being a committed follower of Christ who is serious about growing deeper is to support your local church with your tithes and offerings. The generosity and faithful financial support of our people is what enables us to serve our church and our community.
Find out: What does the Bible say about giving?
Jesus has given us everything we need in laying down his life for us and giving us eternal hope. We value HIS mission to love God and love others, to make disciples, to help the hurting and the lost - and so, we feel compelled to be known as a church that impacts our community. It is because of the generosity of people who give to Evangel that we can in turn serve back and provide programs like Evangel Kids, Exchange Youth, Addictions Ministry, the Community Support Team (which includes our Furniture Ministry, and much more!)
Opportunities for giving are made during our Sunday Worship Gatherings.
Envelopes can be picked up from the church for monetary donations and placed in the designated offering Drop boxes attached to the welcome desk and the wall of the auditorium.
EMT donations can be sent to give@evangelgander.ca
We have a debit machine in our main office if people would like to drop by during regular office hours throughout the week.
We have a heart for people, and because of that, we want to see people engaged and growing into fully committed followers of Christ! It’s our heart to obey his command to make disciples that make disciples that make disciples!